Blockchain Course Online – Overview
This Blockchain Certification Training Course online allows you to master concepts such as Ethereum, Solidity programming, distributed ledger, etc. In this Blockchain online program, you will understand and learn the various aspects of the structure, and mechanism, how to design a network, how to deploy it in real-world applications, the advantages of this technology, etc. Furthermore, as the industry experts curated this Blockchain course content, you will gain skills as per the industry standards.
Blockchain Online Course – Key Features
- Trusted content
- Re-learn for free anytime in a year
- Rigorous assignments and assessments
- Learn at your own pace
- Mandatory feedback sessions
- Mock-interviews
- Hands-on real-time experience
- Free mentorship
- Live chat for instant solutions
- Job-ready employees post-training
- End-to-end training
- Download the certificate after the course
Blockchain Certification Online Training Course – Benefits
The global market for blockchain technology is estimated at USD 5.92 billion in 2021 and it is expected to rise with a CAGR of 85.9% in the period 2022 to 2030. With this enormous expected growth, the job opportunities and the pay packages are known to increase to a greater extent.
Annual Salary
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Job Wise Benefits
Blockchain Developer

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Blockchain Certification Course Online – Training Options
Blockchain Certification Training Online Course – Curriculum
Any individual – fresher or working professional who is willing to make a career in the blockchain field can join this Blockchain training course online.
There are no prerequisites to enrolling for this Blockchain training course online. Any individual who wants to build their skills in blockchain or make a career transformation can join this Blockchain online course.
Course Content
Blockchain introduction, Blockchain technology, network, and its mechanism, Blockchain history, Blockchain benefits, blocks and transactions in Blockchain, peer-to-peer systems, block structure in Blockchain, dynamic shared ledger, digital signatures, building Blockchain solutions, using hashes as addresses, Bitcoin keys storage, using a key as identity, Bitcoins trade and transactions, Blockchain ecosystem core, and Blockchain layers: data layer, consensus layer, and network layer.
Bitcoin introduction, what is Bitcoin?, Bitcoins network, Bitcoin mining, Bitcoin wallets, Blockchain alternatives, smart contract, public network and private consortium, Ethereum virtual machine, Ethereum environment, Merkle tree, Dapps, Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), double-spend problem, Blockchain impact on cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin mechanics, transcriptions, scripts, peer-to-peer network, blocks, and security measures.
Identification of Bitcoins and their era, where and how to get Bitcoins, identifying Bitcoin wallets, Jaxx wallet, defining the selling of Bitcoins, comparing between Bitcoin and Blockchain, transaction and transaction scripts, defining scripts in Bitcoin, describing various transaction forms in Bitcoin, listing the nodes in Bitcoin network, etc.
Understanding Bitcoin Economics, what is Bitcoin mining?, fabrication of block header, defining mining, understanding more about mining: identification of the successful mining, types of mining pools, what is solo mining?, listing the problems in solo mining, benefits of pooled mining, consensus, independent verification of mining, autonomous verification of mining, the checklist for the mining verification, combining transactions into blocks, combining verified transactions, portrayal of difficulty, condition of difficulty, the creation of block header, main chain, orphan block, the creation of a new block, independent validation of the new block, race for Bitcoin mining and hash race, difficulty with the hashing power of miners, etc.
Understanding Ethereum, defining Smart Contracts, Ethereum cryptocurrencies’ identification, Ethereum transactions, the consensus mechanism in Ethereum, listing various development technologies, how to identify Ethereum clients, defining platform functions, understanding and describing Solidity operators and functions, the MetaMask setup, Ethereum network interfacing, the first smart contract, Ethereum accounts and how to go about receiving Ether, structuring a contract, declaring a function, deploying and redeploying a contract; comparing between Wei and Ether, Remix testing, what is a gas transaction?, etc.
The creation of smart contracts on Ethereum, Remix browser, defining MetaMask, Blockchain installation, Go language installation, explaining Blockchain creation: the genesis block list, genesis.json file parameters, and Blockchain making rules, performing Blockchain mining, Blockchain environment contract deployment, boilerplate requirements, project file walkthrough, syntax highlighters, compiling Solidity and script, the testing architecture, installing modules, running Windows, Web3 Versioning, Web3 Providers, Refactor to Async/Await, deployment with Web3, Web3 Version Fix, initial message verification, testing message updates, deployed contracts in Remix, Crowdfunding Smart Contract, Voting Ballot Smart Contract, application architecture of Ethereum and its overview, getting started with create-react-app, multiple Web3 instances, Web3 setup, etc.
Understanding Hyperledger Blockchain and Hyperledger consensus algorithm, explaining Hyperledger Iroha, identifying different Hyperledger components, learning about Channels, Policies, and Chaincodes, listing various Hyperledger Explorer components, defining Hyperledger Composer, Hyperledger introduction: what is Hyperledger? distributed ledger technology and its challenges, Hyperledger Fabric Developer Environment tools, their usage, and their setup on: Windows, Mac OS, Linux/Ubuntu, AWS, and Cloud virtual machines, Development Environment topology, Fabric Under Hood: concepts and terminologies, ledger implementation; Dev Environment walkthrough: Orderer and CA Server, Peer and CouchDB setup, Peer nodes: Anchor Peers, and Endorsing Peers, Client nodes, Orderer nodes, Endorsement Policies, Membership Service Provider and Certification Authority, and Chaincode Development.
Hyperledger Composer and its benefits, Hyperledger conceptual components, the structure and example: business network automated auction market for cars, model, metadata, script file, ACL, open-development toolsets, archive, business networks testing, business networks modeling, Hyperledger Composer playground, and using Hyperledger Composer to develop applications.
Defining MultiChain and describing its various streams, creating and deploying a private Blockchain, explaining how to connect to Blockchain, identifying MultiChain interactive mode, defining the Transaction Metadata, listing Native assets, streams and mining, Bitcoin to private Blockchain, the hand-shake process, the aim of MultiChain, various use cases of MultiChain; MultiChain permission and assets, the basics of retrieving from streams, consensus model, MultiChain flexibility, deployment options, speed and scalability, downloading and installing, initializing and connecting to Blockchain from a second server, connection permission, creating a new address, permission to create assets, new assets, native assets, connected peers, checking asset balance, verifying transactions, and resending assets.
Potential use cases in Blockchain, the proof of existence, identity management, record keeping, UPROOV: Mobile Trust Machine, online music problem solution, car leasing and sales, DocuSign, Forecasting, Augur, log operational maintenance data, cloud storage, STORJ: decentralized cloud storage, Retail: OpenBazaar, Ascribe: for securing your work, ride sharing, and supply chain management, Blockchain and IoT, autonomous decentralized peer-to-peer telemetry, IOTA, Freight Transportation, IBM Watson IoT, ADEPT, banking industry projects: payments, trading platform, KYC, loan management process, capital market system, and fraud reduction, government: online voting, real estate, capital markets, and devising public policies, Estonia: identity management and e-voting, Georgia: Blockchain land registry, Delaware, USA: Smart Contracts and making public policies, and Dubai: Digital passports.
1. BM Blockchain Foundation Developer
2. Deploy a Web-based Blockchain Insurance Application.
Blockchain Certification Training Program Online – FAQs
By learning blockchain with this training course online, you will become a blockchain developer. So, in order to work as a blockchain developer, it is essential to possess all the skills that a developer needs. That is, you must have knowledge of web development, data structures, basic programming language, etc.
The time it takes to learn blockchain depends on the Blockchain certification training course duration and the intensity of the training. However, generally, it takes 2-3 months to learn and gain in-depth knowledge of the blockchain.
When you are planning to learn blockchain, proficiency in any one high-level programming language is necessary. However, python can be considered the excellent, safe, flexible, and highly functional developing language for blockchain technology. Furthermore, though blockchain is mainly built in C++, the python programming language is considered to be dependable, cutting-edge, and secure.

The course is marvelous. Despite having a strong background in blockchain technology, I benefited a lot through the technically-correct presentation of the big picture, given the history of technology and its adaptation in general. Another major strength is that blockchain is explained in terms of what it can do (real-world applications), not only what it is (technically). This is definitely a go-to course
It is a beginner-friendly. I think the pace and content of this course would help relatively new software developers a lot in understanding what practices are being used in top notch companies
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